EnVibe’s Infrared Thermography Service is an effective, non-destructive (NDT) and non-interruptive diagnostic tool for electrical and mechanical systems, buildings, roofs and facilities. When using infrared thermography as a preventative maintenance tool, EnVibe’s Expert Analysts witness the slightest temperature variations, revealing potentially improperly operating conditions and opportunities for energy optimizations.
Two primary benefits of thermography analysis is
- it is a non-contact diagnostic tool, allowing temperature measurement of dangerous or inconveniently located systems; and
- is a non-interruptive diagnostic tool where timely measurements are taken without disrupting of running equipment.
Infrared Thermography identifies faulty Electrical Conditions
Frequently, temperature variations go unnoticed to the naked eye and require specific instrumentation to identify, and combine with expert analysis to digest readings. Excess resistance on electrical components, a predictor of electrical fire or other electrical deterioration, produces a heat signature that can be identified by using EnVibe’s Infrared Thermography Service.
Thermography is unmatched at diagnosing loose, dirty, overloaded and degrading electrical contacts and terminations, fuses that are at or near capacity and problems in electrical switch gear. EnVibe’s Infrared Thermography Service provides preventative, corrective action to ensure personnel safety, planned up-time and minimizing damage to necessary electrical equipment.
Infrared Thermography: not just for identifying faulty Electrical conditions
Non-contact infrared thermography is an invaluable tool when used to monitor and diagnose mechanical issues in high-speed bearings, fluid couplings, conveyor rollers—any mechanical element with thermal eccentricities.
Infrared thermography is also vital in locating overheating joints and sections of power lines, insulation leaks on tanks and furnaces, determining fluid levels in sealed vessels, detecting flat roof leaks and developing building envelope efficiency studies. Preventative diagnosis of these and other key operating environment conditions maintains equipment reliability and ensures the total health of your most valuable assets.
Seeing Heat: Key part of PdM Program
Since heat is often a symptom of early equipment damage or malfunctioning, obtaining regular, baseline heat signatures on in-service equipment is a key part to being able to identify out-of-range readings, indicating potential catastrophic mechanical failure, electrical fires, impending explosive steam leaks, etc.
Track operating conditions over time with EnVibe’s customized Predictive Maintenance Programs (PdM) and witness the benefits of scheduled maintenance only when needed, optimizing energy efficiency and create a proactive, rather than reactive, operating environment.